NIT(KOSEN), Maizuru College
General Education
The rapidity of technological innovation and industrial conversion in recent years has made general education more important than ever. A general education not only gives you basic skills and background knowledge so as to prepare for your fields of specialization but also intends to develop your ability to adapt yourself to changes of environment both in your life and your place of work. Our general education program helps you acquire the ability by stimulating your intellectual curiosity, developing your scientific thinking, broadening your mental horizon, and improving your communicative skills. Moreover, it deepens your knowledge of yourself, your cultural heritage, and of the society and the world you live in. General education, more than anything else, will help you develop your intellect and your expertise.
Humanities and Social Sciences
Our courses are made up of high-school subjects and college level subjects. Japanese, English, and other languages will develop your communicative skills and broaden your knowledge of Japan and the world. Japanese History, World History, and Study of Human Nature will help you to understand who you are. Law, Economics and Philosophy will give you a guide when you face the difficult problems of life. Our courses will be of great help to you when you work as an engineer or live as a good citizen in our increasingly global society.
Natural Sciences
The educational program in the branch of Natural Sciences consists of subjects related to mathematics, sciences and physical education. These subjects, which correspond to scientific education at high schools and universities, are well organized for students to cultivate humanity and to acquire culture as well as the basics for further study in each specialized field. Students can also choose subjects according to their personal interests. For instance, in the second year they can take either biology or earth science, and in the forth year they can study either physics or chemistry. Physical education is aimed at developing our student’s strength and skills, and encouraging them to enjoy sports all their lives.